Felicity Castagna

About Me

I’ve published four novels for adults and young adults including my most recent book, Girls In Boys’ Cars which rectly won the Victorian and Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards, as well as being named a CBCA Honour Book. Girls In Boys’ Cars was recently adapted for stage by The Riverside’s National Theatre of Parramatta. It was adapted and directed by Priscilla Jackman. The film rights have been optioned and it’s journey towards being a film is well underway - more announcements on this yet to come!

My previous novel, No More Boats was a finalist in the 2018 Miles Franklin Literary Awards and my YA novel The Incredible Here and Now received The Prime Minister’s Award as well as The IBBY. I also write for stage and radio, create collaborative work for many festivals. Most recently, I have written work for The Sydney Opera House, The Natioanl Theatre of Parramatta and The Sydney Festival. My creative non-fiction and critical responses to literature and art are published both here and internationally on platforms such as The New York Times, The Sydney Review of Books, Electric Literature, LitHub, The Griffith Review and ABC radio and television.

I am currently a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Western Sydney University and I’ve taught creative writing workshops all over the place from jails to high schools to remote communities. In addition to this, I’ve held many roles in the arts including being a Chair for The NSW Premier’s Literary Awards, a Director on the Literature Board for Create NSW and producing many literary events and programs including Studio Stories and The Finishing School.